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Trade Facilitation Agreement List

The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) was agreed upon by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2013 and went into force in 2017. It is a major international agreement that aims to streamline and simplify customs procedures and documentation to make it easier for companies to trade across borders.

The TFA is divided into three categories – Category A, Category B, and Category C. Category A commitments are those that countries must implement upon the entry into force of the agreement. Category B commitments are those that countries must implement after a transitional period, and Category C commitments are those that countries may implement on a voluntary basis.

The TFA agreement list consists of the commitments made by each WTO member country under the TFA. For Category A commitments, the list specifies the measures implemented by each country upon the entry into force of the agreement. For Category B commitments, the list specifies the measures to be implemented by each country after the transitional period. For Category C commitments, the list specifies the measures that each country has chosen to implement voluntarily.

The TFA agreement list is a valuable resource for companies engaged in international trade as it provides information on the specific measures that each country has committed to implementing under the agreement. By understanding the commitments made by each country, companies can better plan their trade activities and ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.

The TFA agreement list is maintained by the WTO and is updated periodically as countries implement their commitments. The list can be accessed on the WTO website, and is available to the public.

In conclusion, the Trade Facilitation Agreement is a major international agreement aimed at simplifying and streamlining customs procedures to facilitate international trade. The TFA agreement list provides valuable information on the specific commitments made by each country under the agreement, and is a useful resource for companies engaged in international trade. By understanding the commitments made by each country, companies can plan their trade activities more effectively and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.