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Subject and Verb Agreement Quiz 2 Answers

Subject and verb agreement is a fundamental concept in the English language. It ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and person, which is crucial for clear and effective communication. There are several rules to follow when it comes to subject and verb agreement, and it can be challenging to master. However, taking quizzes and practice tests can help improve your understanding. Here are the answers to the subject and verb agreement quiz 2.

1. Neither my sister nor her friends _____ the math problem.

Answer: solved

Explanation: The subject is two nouns joined by „nor” and takes a singular verb.

2. The committee _____ on the new proposals for hours.

Answer: debated

Explanation: The subject is „committee” which is a collective noun, taking a singular verb.

3. Every morning, my neighbor`s dog _____ at the mailman.

Answer: barks

Explanation: The subject is „dog” which is singular, taking a singular verb.

4. Two-thirds of the students _____ to the dance next Saturday.

Answer: are going

Explanation: The subject is „two-thirds of the students” which is plural, taking a plural verb.

5. The herd of sheep _____ through the fence and went into the next field.

Answer: broke

Explanation: The subject is „herd” which is a collective noun, taking a singular verb.

6. Neither the teacher nor the students _____ the correct answer.

Answer: knew

Explanation: The subject is two nouns joined by „nor” and takes a singular verb.

7. Each of my friends _____ a different language.

Answer: speaks

Explanation: The subject is „each” which is singular, taking a singular verb.

8. The group of musicians _____ their new song at the concert last night.

Answer: played

Explanation: The subject is „group of musicians” which is a collective noun, taking a singular verb.

9. Both the boy and his sister _____ a love for science.

Answer: share

Explanation: The subject is two nouns joined by „and” and takes a plural verb.

10. The biggest problem in the city _____ traffic congestion.

Answer: is

Explanation: The subject is „problem” which is singular, taking a singular verb.

In conclusion, subject and verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication in written and spoken English. By taking quizzes and practice tests, you can improve your understanding of this concept and avoid common mistakes. Keep practicing and honing your skills to become a master of subject and verb agreement.