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Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy

Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy: Understanding the Basics

The Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy is an essential document for individuals, businesses, and organizations seeking to undertake developments within the City of Parramatta. This planning agreement policy helps to ensure that new developments meet the needs of the community while adhering to the expectations of local and state government authorities.

What is a Planning Agreement?

A planning agreement is a legally binding agreement between a local council and a developer or landowner. The agreement outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the developer or landowner in relation to the proposed development. For example, a planning agreement might specify that the developer must provide affordable housing or contribute funds towards community infrastructure.

Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy

The Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy provides a framework for the development of planning agreements between the council and developers and landowners. The policy outlines the process for negotiating and registering planning agreements, as well as the factors that the council will consider when assessing such agreements.

The policy aims to ensure that planning agreements align with the council`s objectives for the local community, including:

– Supporting the delivery of community infrastructure and services

– Promoting affordable housing options

– Encouraging environmental sustainability

– Enhancing economic development opportunities

– Fostering innovation and design excellence

The policy also outlines the process for public consultation and engagement during the negotiation of planning agreements. This helps to ensure that community members have the opportunity to provide feedback on proposed developments and the associated planning agreements.

How Does the Policy Impact Developers and Landowners?

Developers and landowners who are seeking to undertake new developments within the City of Parramatta will need to comply with the Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy. This involves engaging with the council as part of the planning agreement negotiation process and meeting the requirements outlined in the policy.

Developers and landowners will also need to provide evidence that their proposed development aligns with the council`s objectives and meets the needs of the local community. This might include providing information on how the development will enhance community infrastructure, support affordable housing, or promote environmental sustainability.

Benefiting the Community

Overall, the Parramatta Council Planning Agreements Policy plays a crucial role in ensuring that new developments within the City of Parramatta meet the needs of the local community. By providing a framework for negotiation and assessment of planning agreements, the policy helps to support the delivery of community infrastructure and services, promote affordable housing options, and enhance economic development opportunities. Developers and landowners who engage with the policy will have the opportunity to deliver developments that are both financially viable and socially responsible.